The computer world is now the next generation world. This is the era of technology and technological changes. Today’s children are the next experts to develop something more than a computer. The internet is the most important feature of today’s life. The next option to that would be of gaming on the computers which are so common that today the children are so used to it that it is very difficult to make them understand the value of time. This provides the negative impact on the society’s children. The internet provides free gaming to those people who want to avail it. But today the children are very fond of gaming zone and when the gaming is free, they have a great opportunity to play and waste their precious time when they should study and learn on the growing and developmental stage of life! The free gaming has left nothing to destroy in the children’s future. Of course, when the children are busy in these sorts of activities, then it will lead them to nothing except the destruction and aggression in their behavior. The games include a sense of heroism with killing the citizens in the gaming zone, the car races involve the murder targets, the crushing of innocent people under their cars and such activities which are felt nothing in the gaming zone, but when these people come to the exposure of the real world, they have the same concept of the gaming zone and feel themselves hero as they were in the games, this will of course lead a person to the psychic aggression. The provision of a guide to have an eye upon this growing age of children should be there. The view that these will just have a playing effect is a negative approach. So, the thoughts should be kept in a way that can help the society.
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